Daring Abroad, a brand by Chams Media known for featuring experiences of Kenyans who have ventured abroad, has grown over the years to become a groundbreaking networking forum for investors. In August 2023, the brand delivered seven successful investment forums in the United States. The forums provided a platform for the business community in Kenya and the USA to showcase their businesses as they interacted with Kenyans living in the USA.
Daring Abroad Investment Forums 2023 took place in the following American Cities:
Houston TX,
Kansas City MO (two forums),
Minneapolis MN,
Worcester MA,
Washington DC and
Seattle WA.
The seven forums cumulatively attracted an audience of about 1,000 in-person attendees and millions of digital media engagements through online posts, videos and text captions. The seven forums were also summarized in two episodes of the Daring Abroad show on NTV Kenya both main and repeat show that had approximately 4 million views according to GeoPoll. The forums successfully happened thanks to our collaboration with Associations of Kenyans in the USA, the State Department of Diaspora Affairs and the Kenyan Embassy in USA.
List of Daring Abroad Investment Forums 2023 Sponsors