Four months ago, The Chamwada Report did a report dubbed River in Waste, that revealed the causes and extent of pollution of the Nairobi River.
The report indicated that pollution of Nairobi River is caused majorly by human activity such as irresponsible waste disposal and illegal construction of structures along the river banks thus narrowing or blocking the natural flow of water.
Since then, the government embarked on a battle to reclaim the river. This would see the commencement of a crackdown against encroachment of riparian land within the city and issuing a ban on use of plastic bags.
Residential buildings and business premises have so far been demolished amid protest from political leaders accusing the government of being inconsiderate of citizens' hard earned property.
But what exactly is a riparian land? And, are demolitions of illegal structures enough to help in reclaiming Nairobi River in the now infamous Regeneration Program?
Alex Chamwada sought experts' views on this and more on the process that has elicited mixed reactions.
The show aired on Thursday at KTN News and you can now watch it on the video attached.